Passage To Greatness Level 1 Starting 8th October 9.30am. Early Bird Discount PTG997


Join a group of women who are ready to dive into uncovering their inner greatness and learn how to be in alignment with their body, mind, and soul.

This program includes weekly group healing sessions.

Early Bird Discount Code PTG997


5-Week Live Online Program

Join a group of women who are ready to dive into uncovering their inner greatness and learn how to be in alignment with their body, mind, and soul.

The ‘stuck’ feeling may be showing up as pain, money blocks, or relationship challenges however… By the end of Passage to Greatness, you will have worked on the main block in the way of your success together and you can finally start to move forward.


  • Understanding your conscious and unconscious mind and how to manifest what you want.

  • Understanding your body and waking up who you truly are.

  • How to stop strong emotions from crushing you and holding you back.

  • The key to tension and why it’s important not to fix.

  • What is money and why is it important to keep it flowing.

  • How to stay detached from results and outcomes HEALING & MORE


Passage To Greatness Level 1 Starting 8th October 9.30am. Early Bird Discount PTG997


Join a group of women who are ready to dive into uncovering their inner greatness and learn how to be in alignment with their body, mind, and soul.

This program includes weekly group healing sessions.

Early Bird Discount Code PTG997


5-Week Live Online Program

Join a group of women who are ready to dive into uncovering their inner greatness and learn how to be in alignment with their body, mind, and soul.

The ‘stuck’ feeling may be showing up as pain, money blocks, or relationship challenges however… By the end of Passage to Greatness, you will have worked on the main block in the way of your success together and you can finally start to move forward.


  • Understanding your conscious and unconscious mind and how to manifest what you want.

  • Understanding your body and waking up who you truly are.

  • How to stop strong emotions from crushing you and holding you back.

  • The key to tension and why it’s important not to fix.

  • What is money and why is it important to keep it flowing.

  • How to stay detached from results and outcomes HEALING & MORE


Authentic Millionaire Meditation

13 Keys To Transforming Your Business & Personal Life – e-Book

e-Book The Belief & Power of Energy Medicine


Queensland, Australia

Ann Noler Harris © 2022. All rights reserved.

Ann Noler Harris © 2022. All rights reserved.